Donate to NABB

Yes! I’d like to help NABB to continue to help promote the Burmese Breed!

We accept online donations via PayPal (with PayPal acct or credit card)

Information for paying via PayPal

Login to your Paypal account or use the button above and log in.
Click the “Send Money” tab.
In the email box, type in the email address:
Ensure it’s in US Dollars.
Under “Purchase Tab”, clicked the button “Services”.
Click “Continue”

Next Screen is the “Review your payment and send” Screen.

The following is VERY important:
At the bottom, in the “Message” section, please note that this is for a donation to NABB.

This description of what you are remitting IS VERY IMPORTANT, especially for NABB RESCUE since NABB has a different bank account for rescue funds, and the Treasurer has to transfer those funds to that specific bank account.

Then complete the transaction as directed.

ALSO, if you are a new member, please cite your name, address, email, and phone number, and if you are renewing, please confirm that your point-of-contact information has not changed.

If you have any questions, please contact the NABB Treasurer, Jim Land, at

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