DISCLAIMER: NABB does not endorse or approve any breeder nor does NABB guarantee any animal acquired. This list is meant as an aid to potential Burmese pet owners. Read our Guide for Finding Burmese to help you select your new Burmese family member. The demand for Burmese kittens is high and there are a number of scammers. If you have ques-tions about a Burmese breeder not listed in the directory you may inquire at info@burmesecat.org.
Name: Dominic Lemaire and Rafael St-Pierre
Cattery: Eclypse
Email: eclypsecattery@gmail.com
Website: http://eclypsecattery.com
Location: Montréal, Quebec
Additional info: Sables and dilutes (champagne, blue and platinum). Pet kittens are sold already spayed or neutered with all shots. Complete health guarantee. We do not ship.
Other Breeds: Bombay
Name: Isabelle Marchand
Cattery: Burmania
Email: burmania.ca@gmail.com
Website: http://burmania.ca
Location: Montréal, Quebec
Additional Info: Sables and dilutes (champagne, blue and platinum). Kittens are sold already spayed or neutered and microchipped with all shots (respiratory diseases). Complete health guarantee. No shipping.
Name: Rita S.
Cattery: Suncoast
Email: suncoastburmesecats@gmail.com
Website: http://suncoastburmesecats.com
Telephone: 604-929-4887
Location: Vancouver, BC
Additional Info: We have been breeding Burmese since 1982. Traditional lines — Sable, champagne, blue, & platinum. Vetted/2 vaccinations/genetic guarantee. Contract required. Kittens may fly ‘in cabin’
Name: Ellen Ng, Thomas Cheung
Cattery: Bellemark
Email: info@bellemark.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/BellemarkCattery
Location: Essex, United Kingdom
Additional Info: Home of BW NW DW RW. Specialises in contemporary lines. Kittens were raised underfoot with love at home. In 2016, we introduced Burmese to Hong Kong with fabulous results in the show hall. In 2024, we wish to continue the legend of American Burmese in UK.
Name: Mai Sugi
Cattery: From Olivia
Website: https://www.from-olivia.jp
Telephone: +817018080906
Location: Kobe, Hyogo
Additional Info: Through the breeding of Burmese, I have met many wonderful people from all over the world. I am proud to protect this variety.
Name: Donna Brown
Cattery: SilkyBrick
Email: loveburmesecats@gmail.com
Location: Huntsville, Alabama
Telephone: 256-503-6215
Additional Info: Small cattery with Champion and Grand Champion lines. Our sable Burmese kittens are not caged and are socialized in a loving and affectionate environment. Dilutes are sometimes available. Kittens are placed in indoor homes only, spayed/neutered and must not be declawed. Kittens will be microchipped and have 2 sets of shots before adopted out to loving home at 14-16 weeks. Willing to fly at owner’s expense to deliver kittens.
Name: Brian Tripp
Cattery: Evita
Email: evitaburmese@gmail.com
Website: http://evitaburmese.net
Telephone: 612-423-9170
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Additional Info: We are a small cattery that has raised kittens since 1995. Kittens come with contract/health guarantee and are raised “underfoot”.
Name: Suzanne Kuttnauer
Cattery: Bon Marché
Email: bonburmese@aol.com
Website: http://bonmarcheburmese.net
Location: San Diego, CA
Additional Info: Bon Marché has been raising exquisite, award-winning Burmese since 1998 in California. Our cats are from the finest Burmese lines worldwide and their beauty and sweet personalities attest to this. They will be fully vaccinated and ready to be your loving companion after being thoroughly socialized and familiar with small dogs. Kittens can fly *in cabin* with an adult. You will receive “Care and Feeding” instructions and a two-year health guarantee. Choose from sable, champagne, platinum and blue. We also occasionally have wonderful young adult Burmese available for adoption.
Name: Art and Kristi Graafmans
Cattery: De Bears
Email: kristi@burmesecat.net
Website: http://burmesecat.net
Telephone: 949-650-8746
Location: Newport Beach, CA
Additional Info: No shipping. Champagne, sable, platinum & blue. Adults occasionally available. Health guarantee, kittens are altered and have all their vaccines. Champion & Grand Champion lines. Personality plus!
Name: Tatiana Syssoeva
Cattery: Nifea
Email: tatianasyssoeva@gmail.com
Website: http://americantraditionalburmesecats.com
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Additional Info: Champion and grand champion lines, small cattery no cages. Sable, champagne, and blue. We do not ship.
Name: Wendy Bennett
Cattery: Mocha Blast
Email: mochablastburmese@yahoo.com
Website: www.mochablastburmeseandbombay.com
Location: Chico, Northern CA
Additional Info: No shipping but delivery sometimes available for a fee. We have raised Burmese since 2003 and Bombay since 2016. My kittens are raised with tons of love and care, underfoot in my home. I have sable, champagne, blue and platinum Burmese, plus black and sable Bombay kittens. Kittens are strong, vigorous and from outcrossed lines. They come with a genetic guarantee, three 3-way vaccinations, wormings and parasite prevention (Bayer Advantage Multi). FeLV neg.
Other Breeds: Bombay
Name: Angela and Anna Smirnov
Cattery: Burma Charm
Email: burmacharm@gmail.com
Website: http://www.burmacharm.com
Location: Orange County, CA
Additional info: Traditional Burmese since 2005. Burmese Breed Council member.
Name: Lynn Thompson
Cattery: Acrocats
Email: acroburm88@gmail.com
Website: http://acrocats.com
Telephone: 407-359-8877
Location: Orlando, FL
Additional Info: Sables and champagne kittens available; adults available occasionally; prefer not to ship; FeLV negative; FL Health Certificate; health guarantee; contract required.
Name: Susan Evans
Cattery: Gingerwood
Email: vrjsle@embarqmail.com
Location: Tallahassee, FL.
Additional information: Breeding since 1970. We may have sable and champagne kittens, most likely only 1 litter a year. Health guarantee provided. Kittens receive 2 vaccinations at 9 and 11 weeks. Our kittens are raised in our home and are not caged. Kittens or Adults placed are to be indoor cats only and must not be declawed. Kittens may be hand carried on plane, or ground by an approved transporter.
Name: Jennifer Herr
Cattery: Ahava-Burms
Email: herr1720@aol.com
Website: http://ahavaburms.com
Telephone: 706-973-9311
Location: Flowery Branch, GA
Additional Info: We mostly have sables but do occasionally have dilutes. Our kittens have a 3 year health guarantee and all will have adult shots. We adopt our kittens out at 16 weeks of age. We do NOT ship but are willing to discuss alternatives. Occasionally we have retired show cats available. Contact us by phone or email. References available.
Name: Karen Thomas
Cattery: Panthat
Email: arkvet2000@gmail.com
Website: http://panthat.com
Location: South of Atlanta, GA
Additional Info: See our website for information and an application to purchase a kitten or cat.
Name: Kate Summer
Cattery: Swan Falls
Email: 1summer@mindsprings.com
Website: https://swanfallscattery.com
Telephone: 208-922-4949
Location: Nampa, ID
Name: Michele Lovell
Cattery: Hart2Hart
Email: Hart2HartBurmese@gmail.com
Website: http://Hart2HartBurmese.com
Telephone: 217-343-7143
Location: Effingham, IL
Additional Info: Grand Champion lines. Written sales contract and Health guarantee. Sable, champagne, blue and platinum. Raised with lots of love and attention.
Name: Laura Middleton
Cattery: Imajin and Larimi
Email: imajincats@gmail.com
Website: http://www.imajincats.com
Telephone: 586-223-0753
Location: Detroit, MI
Additional info: Champion and Grand Champion lines. All colors available. Health guarantee and contract required. Delivery possible. Breeding for health, temperament, and personality.
Other Breeds: Bombay
Name: Nicole Nugent
Cattery: Tomblan
Email: annaben333@hotmail.com
Website: http://tomblanburmese.com
Telephone: 616-826-6888
Location: Frankfort, MI
Additional Info: Champion and Grand Champion lines. All colors available. Health guarantee and contract required. Delivery possible. Breeding for health temperament and personality. Visitors welcome. Member of the Burmese Breed Council.
Name: Jennifer Burns
Cattery: Colorwork Burmese
Email: colorworkdanes@gmail.com
Website: www.colorworkburmese.com
Telephone: 281-910-2480
Location: Minneapolis / Twin Cities (Delano), MN
Additional Info: We are a small cattery with Champion and Grand Champion lines focusing on health, temperament, breed quality and socialization. Kittens are raised cage free “underfoot” along with our French Bulldogs and Great Danes. Our cats are screened for Burmese Head Defect, Burmese Hypokalemia, or GM2 Gangliosidosis. They are also FeLV and FIV negative. Kittens will be microchipped and have 2 sets of shots before moving to their new homes at 12-16 weeks. Kittens are examined by a licensed veterinarian for health and wellness at least twice (two separate occasions / ages) prior to placement. We collaborate with other breeders and use other Cattery’s Studs to facilitate health and genetic diversity. Written contract and health guarantee. Kittens must be hand carried, in cabin when flying. Willing to fly to deliver kittens at owner’s expense.
Name: Marsha Panthera and Andy Valles
Cattery: Amalurra
Email: kittens@amalurracats.com
Website: http://www.amalurracats.com
Telephone: 651-261-8013
Location: Twin Cities, MN
Additional Info: Our kittens are raised as part of the family and are watched over by our wonderful Golden Retriever. We are a small family cattery raising sable, champagne, platinum, and blue Burmese. They return twice as much love as you give them so give them lots! Health guaranteed and contract required. We partner with other breeders to provide healthy and diverse genetics and work together for the best interest of the breed. Kittens are ready for their new homes at 12-16 weeks and will have their first two sets of shots. Kittens must be hand carried on aircraft and ride in the cabin. We do not ship kittens as cargo.
Other breeds: Bombay
Name: Betsy Surver
Cattery: MNBurm
Email: mnburm@gmail.com
Website: http://www.MNBurm.com
Telephone: 612-345-1096
Location: Twin Cities (Burnsville), MN
Additional Info: Specializing in ESA kitties. All kittens are kept until 12-20 weeks and come with a health record, first two vaccinations, deworming, a genetic health guarantee for 3 years, and all queens/sires are registered with either CFA or TICA. We personally transport kitties all across the country for a fee. Part of our contract is no declawing, no letting kitties outside unsupervised, and no pediatric spay/neuter. Sable, champagne, blue, and platinum available, but personality is the most important factor in placement.
Other Breeds: Bombay
Name: Toni Marie O’Daniel
Cattery: Chrisalem Cattery
Email: tonimarieodaniel@gmail.com
Telephone: 651-366-2821
Location: Rosemount/Twin Cities, MN
Additional Info: Our family has a small cattery with American Burmese Champion and Grand Champion lines. I started with Burmese in the 1980’s. In the Early 2000’s my children got into showing horses so I stopped breeding and showing my Burmese. Now 20 years later, I am back with my small breeding program. Our kittens are brought up with my grandchildren, boxer dogs and lots of commotion They have free reign of the house and they are not kept in cages. They are used to everything! Temperament, quality of the Burmese breed, socialization and health of the Burmese are my top priority in my breeding program. Kittens will be microchipped and have 2 sets of shots before moving to their new homes somewhere around 12-16 weeks. Kittens are examined by a licensed veterinarian for health and wellness at least twice prior to placement. We recommend that you take your new kitten to the vets once you receive them for your own sense of security. A written contract is required and a 1-year health guarantee is given to new owners. We work closely with other Burmese breeders around the United States and are always working towards the health and well being of the Burmese breed.
Name: Trish Jeske
Cattery: Jeske’s Unique Burmese
Telephone: 702-810-1206 (text only)
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Additional Info: Tier 1 Superior rating CFA cattery for over 40 years. All colors… vaccinations included and Neuter or Spay and vet checked. All lovingly raised and well socialized in our home. Breeder show permit in Nevada. Retired breeders occasionally available.
Name: Billie Stiffler and Bob Musser
Cattery: KatHevin
Email: kathevin@verizon.net
Website: http://kathevin.net
Telephone: 609-261-1232 (leave message)
Location: Lumberton, NJ
Additional Info: Grand Champion lines; FeLV negative; Kittens raised cage-free with run of the house. I do not ship.
Name: Ed and James Manning
Cattery: Wizardgate
Email: wizardgatecattery@gmail.com
Website: http://wizardgate.org
Telephone: 919-451-6475
Location: Rougemont, , NC
Additional Info: We are a small cattery that has been breeding, showing and judging in some capacity since 1987. We take pride in the health, quality and temperament of our feline companions. We are registered in LCWW, TICA, and CFA.
Other Breeds: Bombay
Name: Jo Lynn Page
Cattery: Okeydokey
Email: okeydokeyburmese@gmail.com
Website: http://burmesekittens.net
Telephone: 918-775-6772
Location: Sallisaw, OK.
Additional Info: CFA Burmese in all four colors. Home raised, lap loving bundles of fur.
Name: Stephanie Nelson
Cattery: Keeper Kats
Email: wheatwidow@copper.net
Website: https://www.thecedarcreekranch.com/keeperkats-burmese.html
Telephone: 218-280-0761
Location: Sallisaw, OK
Additional Info: My Burmese cats live in the house as part of our family with myself, my husband, and our Australian Shepherds. I have champion lines and usually have champagne, platinum, sable and the occasional blue colors. My kitties come with a health guarantee and are certain to make loving companions. You can also follow me on Facebook under Keeper Kats Burmese.
Name: Zoe & Carley Durkin
Cattery: Catvocal
Email: zadurkin@gmail.com
Website: https://catvocal.weebly.com
Location: Lake Ariel, PA
Additional Info: We have sable Burmese and our kittens are raised underfoot in our household. We place kittens into indoor homes only, and they must NOT be declawed. Kittens are available after they have received their 2nd vaccination and vet check-up. We do NOT ship. Please see our website for additional information to purchase a kitten.
Other Breeds: Bombay
Name: Shirley D Storey
Cattery: Stagelight
Email: burm0001@aol.com
Telephone: 706-589-5751
Website: http://stagelightburmese.com
Location: North Augusta, SC
Additional Info: Established in 1980. Grand champion/champion traditional only lines. Health and Genetic Guarantee. Sable, Champagne, Blue, and Platinum.
Name: Vivian Baylor
Cattery: Elessar
Email: elessarburmese@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/Elessar-Burmese-282563838810812/
Location: Oak Ridge, TN
Additional Info: No more kittens will be available in 2024. Small cattery producing personality-plus top-quality Burmese for pet and show, mostly sable and champagne. All kittens are raised underfoot and available no earlier than 14 weeks old. We have retired young adults occasionally. Kittens come with vaccinations, microchipping, and a health guarantee. We do not ship but will work with buyers on transport.
Other Breeds: Bombay
Name: Leora T. Alden
Cattery: Qwan Yinn
Email: qwanyinnburmese@gmail.com
Website: http://qwanyinnburmese.com
Location: Near Fort Worth, TX
Additional Info: CFA/TICA registered cattery. We specialize in Burmese in the 4 colors of sable, champagne, blue and platinum. Health Guarantee, contract required, must be spayed or neutered. FeLV negative, annual testing done. Able to pick up at 14 and 16 weeks which will be determined by breeder. Also retired adults available sometimes, please inquire.
Name: Paula Cornet
Cattery: Dreamabout
Email: dreamaboutcattery@gmail.com
Website: https://dreamaboutcattery.weebly.com
Location: Shady Spring, WV
Additional Info: Grand Champion lines. Mostly sable, raised in a loving home.
Other Breeds: Bombay